For me, jewellery is a powerful tool of expression.The symbolism of jewellery is alive and strong everywhere you look. It ranges from a status symbol of wealth and social class to a personal statement in the celebration of adornment or social commentary where class and status do not matter. I found my love for jewellery in my early teens and was fascinated by all the possibilities to create beautiful things. 
  To design and fabricate my own jewellery, I get the ideas by observing my surroundings wherever and whenever I am in life. One of my main approaches is to bring out ideas reflecting the conditions and problems of the real society.
As a design professional, conceptual and visual insight come naturally which I incorporate onto my pieces. My style of works are clean, modern designs to a more free formed one of a kind pieces.
  During these years, I have experimented with the techniques that I learned. Aside from creating new collections, I am always experimenting with new materials and methods. I use a wide variety of techniques like engraving, wax carving, casting etc.
  I’m aiming at being a contemporary jewellery artist in the future to share my thoughts with people through my jewellery.
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